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Thursday, May 26, 2011

I SWIL Presidential Race

  I SWIL wants all to take the time to read and view the links from this story are from the Huffington Post in hopes that the information will keep all up to date on the Presidential race. We at I SWIL have the knowledge and time to find and post the top stories so you won't have to search for anything that deals with the political aspects of Government. While none of us know exactly what to except from day to day with this political stuff thats in the news.

  I SWIL knows while people like Donald Trump will do anything in an attempt to deface some ones character as to take attention away from their own issues has no right to attack others.  Birth Certificates are really a concern with all the wrong people being in Government offices at this time in our lives. I SWILL hopes that when this kind of behavior is displayed, then we know that no one is the type who can be trusted.

  I SWIL knows that on the lighter side of life, there is always someone willing to make fun of every situation the government offices offer it up for us to laugh at about all the stories that the web offers. This link to a story at the Huffington post is no exception. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

I SWIL Politics

  I SWIL Politics has the stories on the Pakistani government would have every kept information from the U.S. Intelligence.  This was a move, that not had approved of from the start, now that it's over, we have no reason to stay in the area.the links I have list below will give you all the information you need to make the right decisions on what we have to do next. Please, write to your congressman and other media sources.  Some information on this that you need to read, follow the link.

  I SWIL Politics on the story about the Pakistan's prime minister today rejected speculation that intelligence or military officials in his country helped al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden hide there for five or six years. The Associated Press adds that while "warning against unilateral actions by outsiders on his country's soil," Gilani has also used his address to say that Pakistan's relationship with the U.S. remains strong. By following the link to the rest of the story, courtesy of NPR.
  I SWIL Politics on the raid by U.S. Navy SEALs that resulted in the Al Qaeda leader’s death put further strain on the already tender relationship between the two countries. Pakistan has adamantly denied that it had any knowledge that bin Laden was hiding for years in a military city not far from its capital.
 Pakistani media broadcast the name of a man they said is the CIA’s Islamabad station chief and if it was an attempt to out the agent following the killing of Usama bin Laden.
Read more about the story post by, Fox News And will help with the news you need. 
 I SWIL Politics want to thanks for your time in reading this blog. 
Please become a follower.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Government Shut Down Possible

  I SWIL wants to find out, why a government shut down is possible?
House Republicans originally passed a budget cutting $61 billion from last year's spending. Democrats have since proposed cutting $33 billion, and negotiators have recently toyed with the idea of bringing that number toward $40 billion. when we cut this kind of Money then spend 80 billion on a war, Who is the dumb ass the thought this was a good Idea.

Read more: Fox

Does anyone remember the other times they tried to scare us with similar tactics?
  Now, they are tiring to make us believe that they will fire themselves from jobs they do very poorly. I SWIL thinks if, you believe them you are sheep.  It's time to bring an end to the government we know, by electing more down to earth people. Ones who don't get paid if the government doesn't make money.

  The House passed legislation Thursday that would fund federal agency operations for yet another week — but also includes $12 billion in additional cuts.  I SWIL is calling on all who live in these United States of America to stand up for what is right.
  Follow the link for more on the story.

 WASHINGTON — Clashes over the size of spending cuts and ideological fights over abortion and environmental regulations stalled a federal budget deal Thursday, bringing the U.S. government closer to its first partial shutdown in 15 years   I SWIL has the best hope for No Government shut down in the future.
 Follow the link for more on the story.

 The Huffington post reports that a shut down looms on the horizon.  "I expect an answer in the morning," Obama told reporters Thursday evening as representatives from the White House and Capitol Hill plunged ahead with negotiations into the night. I SWIL is on the up rise for some of the spending methods and Cuts of this Governments new proposed bill.
  Follow the link for more on the story.

  I SWIL wants to know how anyone would believe that they would call their own jobs done and except,to be  PAID for doing so.  I want a job where I can fire myself with pay and not go straight to jail for being a Crook. Thanks for reading and Please return.


Friday, February 4, 2011

President Says

   When the President fills us in on what he thinks about religion,  then we must step back and look at this issue from afar. He has told us all sorts of things and this one is close to my heart.
  He said,  "My Christian faith has been sustaining for me over the last couple of years and even more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time," The actions of the President do not support these words he is spouting.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

President Says

  I SWIL knows that todays thoughts are on how we will cope with the news, when the President has something to express he stop everything to give his state of the union speech. Everyone will stand in aw as the words spill from his lips about the new era of competitiveness.  Along with the imagination of all around him to give us hope with a world market doing down hill.

Thank you for reading

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Political Story

     The story found in the link deals with State mixing with other thing that are related and why could this be a problem! The night led to an investigation into the Secret Service not following protocol.

    The health issue has always been at the top of the list for us at I SWIL, no reason for debate on this subject about health care in the US.  Some Republicans want to withhold money for carrying out the law, but that approach seems to have limitations. Money for major parts, including tax credits for buying purchase, creating state-based insurance markets and expanding Medicaid, was built into the law. There is more on this story follow the link.



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I SWIL Politics

  The page is to provide the story you would most like to read,this one starts with an election win for a Washington woman who is living the American dream. Beutler's district office in Vancouver will be run by Shari Hildreth, who previously worked as deputy director to former Republican Sen. Slade Gorton and Ryan Hart, former chairman of the Clark County Republican the rest of the story by following the link!

 This is the story as reported on by the Daily News, after years of talking about government reform, Gov' Chris Gregoire is suddenly leading the way with bold policy suggestions that have roiled Washington's political waters ahead of the 2011 legislative session.

   The  news story about of the shooting of  Gabrielle Gifford ,is in all the papers and on television.I would like to provide you with the link to more on the story!

 The list of the unfortunate people who lost their lives at the Safeway store in Tucson, has been released to the public!

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  • - Does Your Car Shine D-A-D-D wants to know, Does your car stand out in the crowd? Will everyone of your friends know your car by the accessory you chose...
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  • Lilly's Kittens - This Krazy Kitty has all the Luck Hi Everybody, I'm back with some new photos and little story about the kittens and Red Rusty. The kittens are now ju...
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  • Auto parts - The links found here could help you in your efforts to save gas and have some fun making your ride look different from other peoples cars. Tires th...
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  • ...Love Others As Yourself - "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your might and loves other as yourself." Now I do not know if that i...
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My name is Don and I'm a dad of two sons and I have always been a believer that we are our in control of our own lives. My two Boys are the most important thing in my life and the means to make a better. When a person that takes control of their life and stop passing the buck! The more I watch the things around me the more I wonder how it got like this, so far out on a limb with the values in life! Let's work together and make a better place to live, work and to raise a family! These are just some of the things I would like to see change. Thank you for Following My blogs.